Tuesday, October 26, 2004

once upon a dream

Day one....

Last night, I dreamt that I was meeting John Cusack for breakfast. What a neat feeling! John as a friend, someone to talk to over a cup of coffee... It got me wondering... if I were to write to him, would he respond? He's developed into an accomplished actor but a somewhat reluctant "movie star." I've been composing my letter to him all day but all of my attempts sound hokey, or contrived, or.... just wrong. "hi (famous person) would you please converse with me (non-famous person)?" Sometimes, in our sense of want, we create obligations for other people.
A line of poetry is fluttering in my mind... I'll look it up and add it later.

I re-filled my presciption of levothyroxine today.

Not feeling well. Fred and I had trouble getting out of bed today. We both felt drugged, tired beyond belief... Now, here I am typing instead of reading and sleeping.

breakfast: cherry smoothie

lunch: sourdough toast with cream cheese

snack: Gloria Jean's small pumpkin spice chiller

dinner: tomato/potato soup

snack: plum

before bed: mint tea

I did not drink many fluids today. :-( *must work on that

Time to crawl in bed with a book, Travels by Michael Crichton http://www.crichton-official.com/


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