Wednesday, October 27, 2004

where are you?

I am the queen of procrastination. I just spent two hours surfing through blogs and following random links which caught my fancy. I am supposed to be doing paperwork, turning chaos into order... instead, I am following a trail of thoughts, peeking into other people's lives, wandering...

Sometimes, I feel like a child. Not a grown up.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Part of me feels like all avenues are still open to me, if only I would aply myself... which brings me to the one thing I know, truly know....
I am a painter.
I paint...
but I am not a serious artist.
I ought to be.
I have a reception on Saturday. I am not excited.
I am depressed. anxious.

My mood is funky.

Today I ate:
sourdough toast with cream cheese & jam for breakfast
golden pepper bean soup (which I made- almost no fat) for lunch
soda as a "snack"
drank some soy chai when I got home
made a mushroom, garlic, & cheese omelet for dinner
ate a chocolate bar for dessert

My meals have been rather "simplistic." Few ingredients. I even had boiled poatoes with salt and herbs for dinner one night. Last week, I was feeling lazy and ate out quite a bit. Eating out serves neither my budget nor my waistline. I need to be preparing all of my meals; however, simple they may be.

Golden pepper bean soup: one ripe tomato, one onion, two golden peppers, and garlic diced fine
add jar of northern beans in their own "juices"
makes enough for a few lunches

Right now, I am cooking rice in the slow cooker. I am using the slow cooker because I'm bad about forgetting things on the stove and scorching the bottoms of pans. (My trick: oven cleaner)

I am flighty.

(long pause)

While I was supposed to be working, I was over at D-land reading hilarious people like: Marn, Weetabix, discothekid, littlebub, and sundry
Then, I discovered someone whom I'm sure will become a new favourite: Dana

I've decided to answer the questions she posted in my next post.


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