Thursday, December 15, 2005

an entry for my friend, rothko

an unexpected call from a friend who has drifted out of your life
is a rare gift,
especially when that friend is as kind & funny as rothko.

sadly, i called him back while arranging a display of baubles.
my mind was engaged and yet, disengaged. he was funny and inquistive.

what new excithing things were happening in my life?

i felt a bit taken off guard. exciting? my life?

yet, there is an exicitement in me. a certain 'joi de vivre!'

here's a list of things that are currently making me happy:

1.) i am single!
fred was/ is a great guy... but not the great love of my life.
i was settling.
he was settling.

i am excited by the possibility of love.
of passion.
of falling in love all over again.

i miss kissing. (a theme in my writing these days.)
after a six year draught, the soil aches for rain.
for slow loving kisses.

i will kiss again.

for now, i am joyfully single... dreaming of what someday will be.

2.) i am writing.
i am beginning to visit this space more often.
i am forming my own voice... relishing words.

3.) my dog brings me a certain joy.

he plays.
he cuddles.

we walk together and i feel a little safer.
life is better when you have someone to walk alongside.

he plays in the snow.
we play in the snow.
life is better when you have someone who reminds you to play daily.

4.) i am paying off my debts.
(i loathe discussing anything financial so that is all you need to know.)

5.) i am watching movies the way most people watch tv.
(ok, this is a slight exagerration but i do watch 2-3 movies/films a week.)

i am a bibilophile and a film junkie.
i love watching a film and painting.
i love watching a film and giving plasma....

6.) i am giving the american red cross my plasma and platelets once a month.

it feels good to put action behind belief.

(pause in writing, i need to get ready to go give said plasma)


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