Saturday, January 07, 2006

Intimate and intense

last night, i dreamt of meeting nicole kidman... and we were friends.
i wonder how many other people dreamt of her last night.
does the person being dreamt about ever feel the touch of so many dreams upon their psyche?
do they wake up and wonder, 'who was that stranger who seemed to be a friend?'
or do they dream about their neighbors... who dream about nicole kidman?

i once dreamt of a handsome man who, in real life, i would pass by daily.
it was a lovely dream.
just provocative enough. lovely in its sensuality.
intimate and intense
like a modern painting by jackson pollock.

in the morning, i wanted to reach out and touch him as we passed.
instead, i averted my eyes and blushed furiously.
did he sense my new found lust?
did he feel the electricity of my dream?
had he, perhaps, dreamt of me?

i no longer see him daily.
i miss the possibility of that dream.

i haven't dreamt of him in quite a while
and miss those dreams.

i also regret never having had the courage to pursue that dream...
or to look him in the eye.

i hope that he dreamt of me
as i dreamt of him.
and if he did, did he wonder why there was a stranger sleeping in his bed?


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