Thursday, January 05, 2006

the morning after

last night, i went out drinking with 'The Gang'... at "The Place" on 'the day.'
most of the crew was there.
i sat and talked and drank ... with rose.
she bought me a drink.
i bought her a drink.

all in all, i had three drinks in three hours.

tanquerary and tonics.


that, dear friend, is enough to get me sloshed, soused... impaired.

last night, i drifted off asleep, alone, and blissfully, beautifully drunk.

now, i sit here feeling... hungover.
not severely.

just enough that the hairs on my head ache... a little.
my tummy is sloshing... a little.
my body aches... a little.

that's the story of... that's the glory of...


i'm going to go lie down.

maybe later i'll fall in love.
maybe later i'll paint your picture.
maybe later you'll love me too.

p.s. i don't know who i am writing this to...
i am just hopeful that romeo is out there... (note blog entry entitled: romeo.)
though i quite frankly don't think that he reads my blog. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, greetings!

Check this blog:


8:23 PM  

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