Wednesday, July 20, 2005

quickly answered prayers

sometimes, God's seeming silence can feel deafening
sometimes, He answers our prayers by simply saying, "no."

and there other times, when the Holy Spirit speaks so loudly
that we either cry or laugh...

i am laughing.

my life is a full and wonderful one.
i, actually, like my family.
i am blessed with a friendship with a man i adore.
i am blessed with many other friendships.
i am single.
my life is brimming with possibility.

i left a bad relationship...
ok, so now what?

if i dwell on the negative, all i will see will be negative.

if i judge myself harshly, who do i have blame but myself for my shortcomings?

if i take steps to improve my life and deepen my relationship with God, then my life will have a richness beyond measure.

today, i am counting my blessings!

(thank you!!!)


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