Monday, April 11, 2005

sci-fi and religious reading

I did not want to wake up this morning. Dreams were pouring over my consciousness like a drug.

A science fiction dream- I vaguely remember telling Fred in a semi-wakeful state, "I dreamt that I tore a whole in the fabric of the time- space continuum."
the bits and fragments I remember- time travel gone awry.
I return home to find a half eaten sandwich on the stove. I am eating the same sandwich, chocolate frosting on white bread. I linger too long... something feels very wrong. Someone is walking in the door. It's me eating the same sandwich. The other versions of me have killed each other. How am I going to stop this 'Me' from killing 'me'?

It's early afternoon. My mind feels hazy.

I spent most of the morning reading a book about a poet turned religious oblate. She reminds me of me: striving for intellectual acceptance, wanting to find the divine nature, a bit of a solipsist (not in the strict definition: The theory or view that the self is the only reality... she couches the discussion in self-referential terms. For example, she states "the liturgy is poetry." She seeks out poetry in everything spiritual. She defines herself as a poet and her life as poetry. Therefore, she see herself in all things.)

I am drinking coffee.


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