Wednesday, January 18, 2006

i am a squirrel

hi rothko,

you mentioned that you've made some really long scarves, eh? where did you learn how to knit? do you still knit? any suggestions for a newbie?

i am working on clearing out and organizing the tiny pockets and deep caverns of clutter & hodge podge in my life... in my perpetual effort to lead a more streamlined and organized life. i am going through old floppy files, cleaning out neglected boxes, peeking through drawers... my animal nature is that of a squirrel. i hide little important tidbits... as well as odd & ends in the strangest places.

do you study yoga? you strike me as a very yogic person (centered, at peace, balanced, and introspective.) on mondays, i've been taking a very small class with a very slow deliberate yoga instructor. i am excited because for my birthday, i received a tv & dvd player. (i love watching dvd's esp. films from around the world. there tends to be a greater concern in foreign films to portray the truth of a story rather than the packaging of an actor or director. heh.) i enjoy practicing yoga at home but prefer to be told how and when to move from pose to pose.
blue. my favourite colour to paint. my show will be up for a couple of months. so, if you're in the area, please feel free to drop in and see it. there'll be lots of blue in this show.

now, i am going to slather paint upon canvases, make a vegetable-egg casserole, rummage through old memories, walk dogs, paint outside the lines, brew a few pots of green tea, write more notes to friends, knit, and go to the local pub for a gin & tonic while discussing the colour bleu.

with a smile and a sip of earl greyer green tea,


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