Tuesday, February 07, 2006

where did you go?

i am consumed with worry… a chat ended abruptly.

a stranger.
a newly formed dialogue.

insecurity has risen in my throat like bile.

there is a man out there that i long for…
i want to know his loves…
his fears.
his neurosis.
his mind.
his soul… if such things can be known

yet, as the song goes,
i want you to want me.
need you to need to me.

will you take the time to look behind my words?
will you move beyond my narcissism and show me yours?
i want to exchange confessions.

will you be able to understand this sadness which makes me feel alone in a crowded room?
will you massage away this quiet anxiety?

will you understand my wide open loving nature?
will you see beauty in the world?

will you choose hope?

is complete exposition the same as trust?

will you know me in a glance?


Blogger SJ said...

One step at a time... it'll all fall into place!

2:26 PM  

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