Saturday, January 21, 2006

another letter to Ishmael

after many years of silence, ishmael called my dad looking for me.
he told my dad that he was in a 12 step program and wanted to make amends.

today, we spoke.

hi ishmael,

thanks for apologizing. it was nice to hear... i forgave both of us years ago. in breaking up with fred, i've developed a new level of empathy for and towards you. over the years, i've also felt anger, hurt, and resentment.

with sincerity, good luck re-building your family. may God shield you and protect you. you married an amazing woman... God gave you each other for a reason. please don't fuck it up.

as i said, someday, i would like to be friends. i almost typed again... but we have a long road ahead before we can call ourselves friends.

i admire the fact that you are setting boundaries in your life. there is neither time nor energy enough to fill our lives with all of our best intentions.

i am here.
a friend.
no more.
no less.

jenny lynn


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