Wednesday, November 10, 2004

living with someone is difficult

fred is mad at me.
he has every reason.
i acted like a child.
my cat puked on the floor.
i didn't want to deal with it this morning... and moved the rug to (uh) cover it.
he found it.
he's pissed.
he wants a clean house.... damnit!
i say this as i sit looking at his dirty socks laying on the computer desk.
his dirty clothing, which he slept, in are laying on the floor next to the bed.
the sunday paper surrounds the futon like a wasteland.
heaps of his dirty clothing fill the enrtertainment room.
while another heap of clean clothes (washed by me) waits to be put away.
this is the tip of the iceburg.

living with someone is difficult.

* i am not without "housecleaning sin." i just feel as though he's a slob who has not right to throw stones.


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