Monday, February 28, 2005

a pain in the shoulder

spy ware sucks.

i am in a fairly lousy mood. last night, while watching my beloved oscars at a friend's house, i noticed a slight pain in my neck which began inching its way down my arm. by the time i drove home, my left shoulder and arm were throbbing with pain. thankfully, the glass of wine that i drank had made me drouzy and i slumbered.... until about 3 in the morning, when i awoke with a jarring pain in my arm. i took a few ibuprofen and went back to bed... it was an hour or so before i could fall back asleep. i awoke in pain. 2 hours and 1,000 milligrams of ibuprofen later. my shoulder still hurts.

aging sucks. obviously, i did something to my shoulder yesterday. probably something simple like stretching or playing with the puppy.

maybe some more ibuprofen and a cup of coffee with help perk me up.

Going Nowhere

Which John Cusack Are You?