Friday, January 07, 2005

when whining doesn't matter

i just sat down to wimper, whine, and kvetch...
a sore wrist, puppy meds, vet visits, financial woes...

when it hit me, squarely in the face: i am lucky.

if i want a fresh glass of water, i just need to walk ten feet.
if i want food, i walk upstairs. i never go a day without food (and if i do, it's my own fault.)

as for the pets, i chose to raise them. i chose to take responsibility for their health and well being.

i've also chosen to buy an absurd amount of clothing in the course of the last year.

i am fortunate.

my wrist will heal and i have access to health care to insure that.

i am blessed.

with these thoughts, i write this prayer:

sometimes i refuse to see beyond the smallness of my own life, please let me reach beyond myself and develop a truer, more abiding love with the world.


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