Monday, January 03, 2005

how to train a male in 3 weeks or less

toby likes to whine, whimper, and make a commotion in the middle of the night. repeatedly... 1 am, 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am...

fred has slept on the futon for the last three nights. i am not sure whether he is sleeping in the basement out of spite or because he was spending the majority of nights down there before the puppy. he falls asleep watching tv... normally, this habit is only problematic because i miss having my boyfriend in bed with me.

now, however, his habit combined with toby's is giving me a nervous stomach.

in order to train toby, i've set up the laundry room as toby's room. it's the only room in the house (besides the kitchen) with a non-carpeted floor. plus, it has a drain in the floor and a sink (for puppy baths.)

toby's room is right off of the family room where fred is "prefering" to sleep. (sigh) it would be easier if i could sleep on the futon.

it's almost time for the morning walk. so, i am going to log into d-land and read about lives which don't revolve around a 10 pound little punk.


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