Sunday, January 02, 2005

real dogs wear sweaters

warning: this journal is going to take a canine-centric theme as i work out my new "status"

i've gone over to the "dark side"...
i am a puppy owner
but not just any puppy owner....
i am the kind of puppy owner who will dress her little guy in a sweater on a cold day.

friday, new year's eve, i adopted a three and a half month old miniature schnauzer whom i've named "toby" (after the west wing character.)

he was raised by menonites.
his colours are black and pepper.
he was born in missouri... and hates the cold.
i hate the cold too but i am hoping that we can overcome that aversion together. towards this aim, i am going to buy him some puppy apparel to make our walks less uncomfortable.

planned apparel purchases:
*waterproof booties to keep paws clean and salt-free
*a little sweater (to keep him warm but also to help curb his anxiety- having something close to a dog's body calms them)
*a little jacket for snowy days
*for wet days, a rain jacket

:-) doggie apparel has always struck me as silly (and some of it still does) but the sight of my little pup shivering tugs at my heart strings.

all this being said, when i take him to the groomer, i will refuse the bows and bandanas. he doesn't need accessories.


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