Monday, November 29, 2004

adding it all up

i am very numbers driven...
at work, i strive to have the highest dollars in sales for the day, the week, etc. when i work out, i like to increase my speed, increase my mileage... up those numbers. i was a very "grades-orientated student" and now, i am still striving to get "a"'s in life. although, quite frankly, it's gotten more difficult, since, now, i am grading myself.

when my thyroid decided to idle rather than rev, my weight skyrocketed.
that's anumber i never sought to increase.
now, i am fixated on lowering my weight, increasing my strength, and untapping my "inner athlete."yesterday, i bought another "numbers device"- a pedometer.
a really nice one, on sale- baby!
my mom wears hers every day. it seems to really help her shed some extra pounds...
that and having a dog! (i am working on getting a miniature schnauzer.)

i am sitting in my mom's bedroom typing this to you.
snow is lightly falling.
i am in my hometown, "mayberry" population 3,500.

last night, i took a walk with my mom, my brother, and their respective dogs.
not havinga dog makes me feel like an outsider in my own family.
the walk was very nice.
they've chosen a varied route but it's always the same route.
it made me yearn to wander down other streets, peek in on various memory lanes,
and well, log on a few more miles on my newly programmed pedometer. i borrowed my brother's dog for a few more miles of walking. his dog, minka, is a terrier-lab mix (a small dog with boundless energy!) in all, i walked 5.673 miles... after attaching pedometer to hip.

good for a nice evening of walking.


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