Saturday, January 08, 2005

poop, pee, and java... the stuff of which dreams are made

it's always easier to change your life for someone or something...

for example, i love mornings. i prefer being a morning person but i tend towards 'night owl' behavior. come morning, when i need to open the store, i will hit snooze until the very last possible minute (leaving just enough time for a quick shower, basic hygiene, and maybe a piece of fruit as i run out the door.) on days when i work til close, i am prone to exhibit the same behavior but sleeping in later, of course. when i get home, i wind up staying up late just doing basic every day stuff like washing the dishes or making lunch for the next day.

this last week, i've gotten up at seven am almost every day (i slept til 7:30 one day.) i love the feeling of having time to be awake. time to walk the dog. time to type a message online while baking some salmon. time to gather my thoughts. time for a nutricious breakfast (oatmeal with raisins and banana.)

time for jenny lynn's almost perfect cup of coffee.
mmmm... i am incredibly, undeniably... persnickety.
i belive that the perfect cup of coffee is:
brewed strong
a full well-balanced roast and the right bean (french roast- too acidic, costa rican- too wishy washy.... java or kona... heavenly)
and finally, tempered with warm milk
cafe au lait!

beyond giving me a reason to rise and shine at a respectable hour:
toby is teaching me patience.
if i give him enough time, he rewards me with an outdoor elimination.
i never thought that someone peeing and pooping in my back yard would bring me such... joy.
seriously, i am ecstatic at the progress my little pooch is making. 4 months old and a bladder of steel. of course, i also need to watch him like a hawk when he's indoors to avoid any impulse eliminations. (my web-reading has gone from blogs and news to puppy training tips, puppy supplies, puppy meds, miniature schnauzer stuff etc.) of course, i'll move beyond this... some day.

well, the salmon is smelling good. i had better motivate myself to wash the dishes and do a load of laundry. taking back the morning requires using the time effectively.


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