Tuesday, May 30, 2006

if i were a drug...

Your Personality Is Like Cocaine

You're dynamic, brilliant, and alluring to those who don't know you.
Hyper and full of energy, you're usually the last one to leave a party.
Sometimes your sharp mind gets the better of you... you're a bit paranoid!

for the record,

i refuse to ever do cocaine.
it's pure evil in a handy powder form.

i belong in 1966

You Belong in 1966
If you scored...
1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in!
1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.
1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all!
1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.
1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!
What Year Do You Belong In?

Monday, May 01, 2006

pub life

A note to a friend:

The last couple of weeks have been a bit surreal. I've been acting a little bit like a party girl. Going to bars every few nights, not getting drunk but getting a little tipsy, even pulled an all nighter sipping on one drink & playing cards/talking. No wild sex. No unfamiliar beds... but more time spent in bars than I am accustomed. Typically, I go to a pub no more than once a week. I am taking a week or two off. I hate the smoke and really don't want to fall into a pattern of drinking as recreation.

I am walking a fair amount. Taking Toby for extra little walks. Walking to and from said bar. But alas, I need to be more focused in my training. Thanks for the nudge. (As for the knitting, I knit daily.)

As a mental incentive to work harder in training and getting into a more toned shape, I got my belly button re-pierced. I had had it pierced for years, took it out, and couldn't get it back in. It healed over and formed a bit of scar tissue. Re-piercing. OUCH!
Brief ouch though. Thanks to Bactine... healing nicely.

Lately, I've been worrying about being attractive to the other sex... wanting to receive attention/affection. Thankfully, I am not leaping into stranger's beds as I did when I was much younger. (Sad but honestly true.) The belly button ring makes me feel a little sexier. It may not increase my sex appeal to others but then again, there's little I can really do to garner worthwhile attention/affection besides being myself and waiting for the right person to come along, eh?

Going Nowhere

Which John Cusack Are You?