Saturday, November 13, 2004

*day light savings time sucks!

sam is crawling all over me. nestling his head into my ear. purring as though its been aaaaaaaaaaaages since we canoodled.
my cat is an affection slut. (he is very fond of nuzzling our ears. though less fond of mine since i developed a persistant ear infection... i am soooo looking forward to my new insurance policy kicking in!)

last night, he slept curled around my head. (i put a pillow above my own so he can sleep by my head without monopolizing my pillow. he's a big boy. 15lbs and long...) in the morning, he crawled unto my chest when i woke up. not even an hour ago, he tried to steal my bagel as i held it one hand and read an online article. all of this in the last three hours... now, he's crawled up into my lap and has his paws perched on my shoulder with his butt in my lap. love monkey.

life is moving forward.

one thing is gnawing at my thoughts. daylight savings time. it makes absolutely no sense in our modern world. it makes my skin crawl when i walk outside at 5:30pm to inky darkness. it's really 6:30 pm, i tell myself. i don't appreciate toying with time. as you know, i am temporally challenged. a day is a week is a month is a year. i need to move somewhere sane. arizona is my dream state. hot. dry. and sane enough not to play with time!!!

i also feel deprived of my favourite time of day. dusk. more specifically, golden hour. for 15 or so minutes, the world looks as though its lit from within. a mystical light hangs in the air. anything white glows. my heart expands. even on a cold snowy day, golden hour has the power to energize me. watching the fading of daylight stirs a feeling of well being. the earliest i leave work is 5:30 pm. daylight savings time robs me of dusk. robs me of my beloved golden hour. sure, i go to work in daylight... the stiff grey daylight of winter but when i leave, i walk out into a darkened night. no dieing embers of day. no soft diffusion of light. bam! night. my heart sinks. my mind wanders off to bed.


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