Saturday, January 28, 2006

wondering what it's all about

i had a lovely day.
the sun shone.

work went well.

i rode my bike.

a reminder to take life more slowly,
more deliberately

breath in
breath out

i filled the tub with oils, bubbles, and perfume...
listened to 'this american life'
sipped red wine

walked my dog



now, i sit here wondering...

about a phantom
a dream
a fantasy

a sandcastle built with hope
a fantasy sculpted from my imagination

Friday, January 27, 2006

she spoke of love


If thou must love me, let it be for nought
Except for love's sake only. Do not say
I love her for her smile--her look--her way
Of speaking gently,--for a trick of thought
That falls in well with mine, and certes brought
A sense of ease on such a day--
For these things in themselves, Belovèd, may
Be changed, or change for thee,--and love, so wrought,
May be unwrought so. Neither love me for
Thine own dear pity's wiping my cheek dry,--
A creature might forget to weep, who bore
Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!
But love me for love's sake, that evermore
Thou may'st love on, through love's eternity.

-Elizazbeth Barrett Browning

i wonder what she was like.
her poems strike a resonance of truth.
she writes about deep and abiding love.
"I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light."
that line takes my breath away.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

my poem


Would you know me in a glance?
Have you pondered my reality?

My pen creates you.
Your reply changes me.
Correspondence anticipates-
a final response.

Do you know me with a glance?
Have you questioned my sincerity?

Conversations take days
or weeks,
or months
if friends are involved.

Love is a glance.

A glance is a moment
is a month.
is a year.
is a lifetime.

In a glance,
you will know me.

my old poems


I dreamt of you as the smell of sex
The musky scent of sweat and semen
mingling as taste upon my tongue.
You dreamt of me as abstract colour,
mesmerizing to your senses,
blood red and deep shades of blue.
Neither one of us could see the other
as tangible substance
or as being an extension of ourselves.

I used my hands as tools of seduction
rubbing your weary mind with knowing fingers
You enticed me with your tongue
filling me with tension
creating a sense of bondage.

I woke to find you upon the bed,
your hands, your mind, your will-
bound with silky strands of desire.
But, was it your desire or mine?
Passion concealed the answer.

In need of purity, you imagined me a saint,
a creature of submission
an object to be pursued.
And yet, I would rather be a demon,
a creature of aggression,
unable to be controlled.
Sainthood is too binding.

I am neither saint nor demon.

I was unable to play the part you wrote for me,
to be objectified,
to wait for your pursuit.
Attraction, then, became repulsion.
You preferred a pernicious oblivion.
Did you not realize-
your actions spoke louder than words?

How did passion become my sin?
Why did sex become fornication?

You cursed me as though I were evil,
claiming an act of deception,
stung as if betrayed by my intentions
as if soiled by your own passions.

Despite, attempts to cast me as a demon-
the woman who enticed you remains.
My vulnerability which aroused you-
lays bound in an unfulfilled desire
Paradoxically, I long for a purity of passion
a need for true longing
the convergence of will and desire.
I am seeking complexity.


words left behind

i am sifting through old 4 1/2 floppies. some files are obsolete, created with programs which have gone the way of 'gopher.'

i found this file... written by ishmael.

i am cleaning house in so many ways. not only in the physical details.

a poem which one of us, i don't remember if it was him or me...

The dress on the floor
filled in the blanks
Who are you, really?
Who are you with whom I have given so quickly?

I can do anything
most anything
I know that I can do anything
with you here at my side

the communion of my body and yours
The convergence of two into one

this, on the other hand, are his words:

Stuff to Chew on

I am being haunted by the ghosts of dead men.
As are we all. We pretend that we are free, but we are bound by the lives of our ancestors. We invent Gods to play the part of our ancestors. Our God's give us a story to enact, a story which explains the meaning of the world and our part in it. Our God's are given the credit (or perhaps being blamed-- depending upon the religious view held) for arranging our circumstances.

I contend that our ancestors, or the forefathers of our culture, are responsible for our current circumstances. We can change our circumstances, but we must play their game and by their rules. Therefore, by definition, our ancestors are responsible for our current situation at birth. There is no refuting this fact in the narrowest sense, but can it be applied in a broader sense to explain the ultimate human psychological, sociological, philosophical, and even biological riddles?

Have you ever noticed that a cat is ultra-mentally alert? A cat is generally totally alert in a room, or else it is unconscious on the floor. Definitely states of consciousness polarities. Dogs, on the other hand, tend to be shorter-sighted and weaker-minded creatures. Less independent and more conditionable. This is not dog-bashing, it is simply observing plain facts. One could quite likely say that dog mentality, cat mentality, and human mentality, are mere "mentality types" of perception. We are all biological organisms with a different orientation towards the "not-me." The not me, of course, being everything that is not the self-hood. Thus, the perceptive orientation is determined largely by the species, to a lesser degree by the culture, and even lesser by the individual. Why, even the plant kingdom is simply an organism of a differing orientation to the "not-me."

The phrase "just plain facts" is an interesting one. Is there such a thing as a plain fact? How could that plain fact be observed except through the orientation of the observer. Can that observer ever truly be unbiased in his perception, when his ability is determined by his physical situation, to a large part, much more than by his self-hood? The not-me is irrefutably more powerful than the self-hood, for it creates, defines, and nurtures the self-hood. Our physical, mental, psychological, and philosophical situation is the legacy of the not-me, and to a lesser extent the genus, then the species, then the culture, then the self-hood. The self-hood is the narrowest sense of consciousness, as well as the least influential. It is ironic, then, that the development of the culture, the species, and the genus is determined solely by the self-hood. With fetters, we interpret and develop the world. But one can conceivably build an empire while attached to a roadside chain gang.

At most times I feel that I interpret the world with less clarity. My mind simply cannot handle too much focus. I seem to either carry around an umbrella of mental fog, or else traverse a smoky reality, with only an occasional lighthouse to assist my navigation. And in this reality sits I, with stunted vision in either case.

At times I feel that I am interpreting well, or at least with sharper focus. I suspect that everyone experiences this. Is there merit to these moments of clarity? What is it that causes an insight to feel so right? Does man possess a self-imposed creator of perception, or is there an underlying reality which permeates our perceptual abilities for mere moments only?

I feel stunted because I rarely express myself creatively. I do feel a genuine need for expression, but rarely give it any thought. Thus, I at times feel frustration, and at other times find alternate ways of creative expression. In hindsight, I recall periods of my life in which this expression was satisfied, or at least attempted to be, through play, through art, through religion, through social interaction, and through writing. This deep personal need for expression is most fondly remembered when manifested as play. In fact, all other personal expression occurring after the stage of play appears to attempt to sublimate that original enjoyment of play into a socially acceptable form. Our society largely restricts our play options through its norms and mores by which we are expected to live. It is the liberation of the emotional self which is the ultimate goal of this emotional compulsion.

Ponderings upon ponderings
I shall die atop a heap o' ponderings,
Pondering all the while.

My understanding of my hate for you enables me to see that I hate you for my own faults.

I wish that we could be impartial towards each other, to jointly establish a bond of equality which we adhere to while we explore our world and understand ourselves.

I realize that I cannot totally empathize with others. In fact, I often find myself isolating myself through passive aggressive behaviors. Too often I forget to remind myself of my own perceptual limitations. My awareness of my desire to enact this mentality will assist my self-hood (some call it soul) to achieve better connection with others.

Is our social need a result of an unconscious human need for interaction with the world? If so, what other ways is this unconscious need manifested? Through play, then sociality, then cycles of religion and sociality? Where does our need for interaction with the not-me manifest as expression and as the deeper need for being understood?

When the muse has left me, should I feel elated for her gifts or downcast for her departure?

What role does gratitude play in the human situation? Should we be grateful to the not-me? Truly, this is the more pleasant attitude, but does it reflect a "correct" interpretation of the not-me? Surely no one desires to live a life adhered to principles founded on a false reality.

Why is it that I do not posses the faith that so many other humans seem to be experiencing?

My instincts may encompass an eclectic list of ideologies fashioned nearly exclusively from those of which my awareness comprehend.

The deeper I delve, the more complex and simple things become.

I achieve understanding through awareness. I achieve awareness through diligence. I achieve diligence through understanding. The whole process is painstakingly slow and wrought with inefficiency.

I love to read. Reading can take me anywhere that I want to go. I can go to the moon or to a zoo or to another country. I can be a pirate or a prince or a porcupine. Books are a special way to play with your imagination. And the secret way to this wonderful world of books is learning how to read. You can learn the secrets of reading. I would love to share them with you.
Do any of you enjoy watching movies? After you learn to read well, reading is better than any movie. You get to make the pictures up for yourself in your imagination. These pictures are way better than the best illustrator can do.

Let's write a class mission statement about why we want to read.

In the classroom, we will write class statements concerning different situations that arise during the year. For example, we can have mottoes about academic goals, student and teacher expectations, and emotional support.

I hope that my class structure varies each year. The students should be co-creators of the expectations and the mechanics of our class. This allows for greater individuality, efficiency of learning, and development of students. This reflects a truly child-centered philosophy. I believe that such an environment would enhance academic growth and self-development. It would harbor internal motivation, self-accountability, and interdependence. A community of learners is the goal of cooperative learning.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Ishmael's response

i hadn't spoken to ishmael in over 5 years.

then, he called.
wanting to make amends.
a nice phone conversation.

i bit my tongue,
and was amused.

he apologized for using me...
i told him that i had forgiven him (and me) long ago.
i wrote a letter (which was my last post) offering an olive branch, someday... possible friendship.

he wrote this reply:

It was nice to have the opportunity to make amends and finally close a long overdue chapter in my life. Thank you for the affirmations and good intentions that you send our way. Your kindness is appreciated. I also appreciate the acknowledgement of setting boundaries in my life at last. I am finally about my business of living in Spirit, and growing my heart and soul, and these boundaries are an important component.

With this in mind, and with your own affirmation that life is too short to fill our lives with good but hollow intentions, I am affirming the boundary that we had a chapter of our lives together, but that we have moved on. This is for the best for both of us, regardless of how my future unfolds. I would dishonor you to pretend that walking the road towards friendship is my intent. You deserve better than to have me deceive you now and then refuse your kindness later, when your energy could be better spent on someone who will honor you with a return of friendship. I will not be contacting you again in this lifetime, and ask that you never contact me, though I will only send positive thoughts your way. I know this sounds a bit mean, as I recoil even as I type it, and look for ways to soften it without altering it's purpose.

Please understand that it would be dishonest of me to reply otherwise, and that I no longer have a stomach for lying, regardless of appearances. We both deserve to have zero energy or emotion tied up here, and I am severing the nearly invisible thread that has still somehow tied me to you in an odd way for all these years. I can only be where I am, Jenny. I hope that you can understand this, and I will interpret your lack of reply to mean that you do. I wish you an amazing life full of beauty. Good luck in your art, your faith, and in all else that you do.

Goodbye and blessings, Ishmael


so much for friendship.

i feel as though he contacted me in order to reject me.
in order to feel wanted all over again.
in order to remind me of my desire for him. ironically, his reconnection with me did the exact opposite. it made me realize that i am so very much over him and have lost my desire for him.

sadly, i think that his wife is going to leave him.
so, he's taking the opportunity to leave me.

ironically, seven years ago, i was the one to, ultimately, leave him
i moved 400 miles away. up into the northern tundra.

now, after 5 years of no contact from either one of us,
i am being handed a "dear jenny" e-mail.

at first, i was angry
and hurt.

then, i went to yoga.

i am amused.
for years, i have sought to lose my desire for ishmael.

today marks the day that my prayer was granted.


be careful what you wish for.... you just might get it.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

another letter to Ishmael

after many years of silence, ishmael called my dad looking for me.
he told my dad that he was in a 12 step program and wanted to make amends.

today, we spoke.

hi ishmael,

thanks for apologizing. it was nice to hear... i forgave both of us years ago. in breaking up with fred, i've developed a new level of empathy for and towards you. over the years, i've also felt anger, hurt, and resentment.

with sincerity, good luck re-building your family. may God shield you and protect you. you married an amazing woman... God gave you each other for a reason. please don't fuck it up.

as i said, someday, i would like to be friends. i almost typed again... but we have a long road ahead before we can call ourselves friends.

i admire the fact that you are setting boundaries in your life. there is neither time nor energy enough to fill our lives with all of our best intentions.

i am here.
a friend.
no more.
no less.

jenny lynn

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

i am a squirrel

hi rothko,

you mentioned that you've made some really long scarves, eh? where did you learn how to knit? do you still knit? any suggestions for a newbie?

i am working on clearing out and organizing the tiny pockets and deep caverns of clutter & hodge podge in my life... in my perpetual effort to lead a more streamlined and organized life. i am going through old floppy files, cleaning out neglected boxes, peeking through drawers... my animal nature is that of a squirrel. i hide little important tidbits... as well as odd & ends in the strangest places.

do you study yoga? you strike me as a very yogic person (centered, at peace, balanced, and introspective.) on mondays, i've been taking a very small class with a very slow deliberate yoga instructor. i am excited because for my birthday, i received a tv & dvd player. (i love watching dvd's esp. films from around the world. there tends to be a greater concern in foreign films to portray the truth of a story rather than the packaging of an actor or director. heh.) i enjoy practicing yoga at home but prefer to be told how and when to move from pose to pose.
blue. my favourite colour to paint. my show will be up for a couple of months. so, if you're in the area, please feel free to drop in and see it. there'll be lots of blue in this show.

now, i am going to slather paint upon canvases, make a vegetable-egg casserole, rummage through old memories, walk dogs, paint outside the lines, brew a few pots of green tea, write more notes to friends, knit, and go to the local pub for a gin & tonic while discussing the colour bleu.

with a smile and a sip of earl greyer green tea,

a letter to Ishmael... following the previous letter

My most beloved and esteemed companion and friend, Ishmael,

Tonight is the 10th of June.

I had promised myself that I would not write to you until I got I reply to my last two letters and yet, I fear that if I don't speak now, in the heat of the moment, that it will be lost in the rushing of the current...too much will change. Yet, life is the constant build up of energy until change occurs.

I am where I ought to be.

Grantsburg is filled with a wonderful energy. The people in Grantsburg are so filled with life that the air is electrified. Artists are drawn like moths who are unable to escape the allure of a light bulb.

I drove to Mad-town with my new (and already close friend) Amelie. She even announced her amazement that within a week, we are friends...simple as that. (Background info. She is the young lady who roomed in my father's house last summer and who you briefly met. My father has taken her in as something of a surrogate daughter.)

Ironically, the other friend I seem to have found is my father's new housemate...Dan. My father has told Dan that if he touches me that he will break his legs... This leaves me feeling rather irate with my father. I do not like having my choices of men dictated by my father. He lacks reason when it comes to protecting me. I am glad that we no longer live in Chicago. If we did, I would not put it pass him to join the Mafia in order to protect me...Mind you, this is a bit of an exaggeration but not much.

Dan has chosen my father as his new father symbol. He has turned looking for an intellectual father- figure into a vocation. He wanders all over (a certified transient whose ambition is to own only what can fit into a shoe box...the rest "stored" with people scattered all over the country. He "lent" me a stack of books to "store" indefinitely with the only stipulation being that he have access to him.) Walking into his apartment, I was immediately introduced to his bookshelf. (Well, I introduced myself to it really.) I was delighted to find a numerous of oooh and aaah inspiring titles...not to mention a few that I already own (some which are the same print no less!)

Dan slings drinks at a local bar (insert name which used to be another name.) Plays the piano there. He also substitute teaches in a nearby town. I wanted to hang out with tonight partly because he is rather good to look at but also because I sensed that he is someone I am supposed to know. However, I also hung out with him because my father wanted to forbid it. He would have if I was younger... Thank you for helping me develop a spine!

I am going to be banging heads with my father ... intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. My relationship with my father will be rough for awhile. He claims that he has accepted my adulthood. Yet, he is resentful and hurt that I... (insert the transgressions of youth.) He is carrying the guilt that his marriage failed...he transfers this guilt unto my mother. I am very much like my mother. I enjoy my privacy unless I am given unconditional acceptance. Without that acceptance, I can not disclose without a sense of wanting to protect that which I hold autonomy.

Speaking of which, I got a tattoo tonight. I have the Chinese symbol for "human nature, feeling, compassion, and sympathy" on the nape of my neck. I know that you don't father neither approves nor disapproves (or so he claims to my face.)

Back to Dan...he is not you. My initial reaction turned into an appreciation of who he is. I kept thinking how I would like to share the experience of taking an intellectual walk with him. I am as madly in love with you as ever. I often tell you my emotional status...more so than I do anyone else. It makes me feel vulnerable to be emotionally honest and lucid about speaking about it. In telling you I love you, my words have often been tinged with a bit of nervous self-consciousness. I personally revel in the peaks of emotion which loving you has caused me but I also realize that in the "politics" of relationships, I am granting you a certain amount of emotional power. This is where trust once again becomes an overwhelming factor.

Here are a few gems which I have collected:

The following were newspaper bits stuck into a small leather bound book,

Selections from Robert Browning, which could be stuck into the pocket of a shirt...

"Prairie Dusk"
"The peaks are purpling in the west;
The prairie trail is dim;
And here and there a lonely light
Twinkles around the rim."

"In Lighter Vein"
The following questions were reported to have been put to the applicants for a job:
"How long is a piece of string?" and "How far canItalic a dog walk into a forest?"
From one bright youth they received as answers:
"A piece of string is twice as long as the distance from the center to either end,"
and "A dog can only run halfway into the woods; after that he is running out of the woods."
~no author given

Pause...Sal is making the act of transcribing a bit too much effort. He is reminding me that in our unspoken pact, I am required and entitled to bestow him with affection and in return, he is taken care of and nourished. In the realm of my cat life...Ana is behaving difficultly. I love her. It is hard for me to judge her with the severity with which you judge her...(sigh) I must let things be as they will be. I can try to guide the stream but it, ultimately, will choose its own path, eh?

Dan had word magnets on his fridge (ones like yours but smaller.) With his words he had composed the following poem:
"Beneath diamond visions
Shadows of a gorgeous picture
A goddess delirious for a moment
A delicate moon playing with the water
Blue language
Shine without a drunk worship

Wow, eh? To top it off, he played some incredible jazz music. The edge to the evening which gave it a surreal edge was that he was packing up his things in preparation of living with my dad. Not only that but the fact that he has chosen (and my father has chosen him) MY father to enact a father-son dialogue. He, however, has had the luxury of choice as well as the ability to be more removed from the interaction. A distance which provides for a more honest discourse...I need to learn how to utilize such distance. Then again, I am young. I bring up my youth because I need to remember not to be self-righteous beyond my years. Humility is one of the hardest traits to understand from within. It requires the individual to be "outside" of one's self or rather, to removed from the ego.

Once again, the issue of trust re-surfaces. In order to feel non-ego involved, one must break away from needing acceptance but acceptance should also be present in an unconditional form.
Morning's first shades of light are beginning to filter into the room. I have spent most of the night in the midst of pontification and conversation. I will end tonight's writing with a quotation which I found on a letter hung up on a wall:

"Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.
Henceforth, I ask not for good fortune, I myself am good fortune.
Henceforth, I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing
Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms,
Strong and content I travel the open road."
_spoken by Uncle Walt in "Song of the Open Road"

I have a strong sense of being connected to you at this moment. Birds fill the morning air with their songs of morning. The cats restlessly wander around the house anxious for the new day to start. Sam howls at the door as if to beckon it to open before his command. My computer informs me that 5 am has been reached. I have yet to sleep and already, a new day is unfolding. As said before, my mind ached to speak to you. To freeze a moment of fluctuation into a picture to be examined and re-examined as the whirl of the now becomes the clarity of the past.
My voice upon the paper seems to me to sputter at points...I shall endeavor not, however, to directly tighten my writing to you but rather simply let my thoughts air themselves as they occur to me. Through disciplined output, I intend to be able to place my thoughts into a more succinct and hopefully, succulent form.

adoringly yours,

my mind almost 10 years ago

June 3rd, 2006

Monday evening @ 11 o'clock

Dear Friend,

Hello from my new home in beautiful Grantsburg

My first week back in Grantsburg has been an easy transition (with the only possible exception thus far being, moving my furniture indoors.) My cats (Sam and Sal, in particular) have settled in quite nicely. Ana is being a bit timid but has started sneaking down from my room in the attic. I love the work that they did on the attic in order to make it more hospitable for me to live in. Lloyd built a wonderful set of shelves for my books (or at least that's the main use they are serving.) Lloyd is an incredible handy-man! Today, he gave my car a look over to see if it needed any sort of maintenance work.

Sal just hopped unto my lap. Any time he hears the tapping of the keys on my keyboard, he likes to make a bee-line for my lap (usually edging his way across the keyboard in the process, a habit I am slowly coaxing him out of.) The other cats in the house (Lloyd's two girl cats: Squeak & Tiger and Linda's two boy cats : Amos & Andy) are either hiding from my two male cats, observing them, being chased/chasing, or hiding. It's interesting to be living in a three story house (with a basement) with 7 cats roaming about.

I worked my second night of work tonight. During my first few weeks at the restaurant, I will be training as a bartender and as a busperson. The restaurant is called the Chucky T's. It serves fine Southwestern cuisine and caters to a more progressive clientele by: not allowing smoking on the premises (yeah!), using only fresh ingredients (no pre-fab sauces or mixes anywhere on the premises-- including the bar...the margaritas, for example, are made of tequila, fresh lime juice which is fresh squeezed, sugar, and triple sec, cool, eh? No sour mix is used!) The owners are a husband- wife team from Chi-town. She runs the floor and does the books. Trisha is a short, blonde women with very pale, pale blue eyes (sometimes almost a steel blue). She intends to train me as a front waitress but is about to go on a five day vacation to Kenny Buckport, Maine (the area where George Bush has a vacation home.)

Her husband, Gregory, a fairly attractive man with a wonderful sense of humor, is an accomplished chef who runs the kitchen. Among the entire staff (which does not consist of very many people) only two are men. Both men work in the kitchen. I tended bar for my first time tonight. Fortunately, it is a fairly limited bar and the restaurant specializes in margaritas (which are easy to make...or so I think now, after having worked a very slow night.)

I think about Ishmael A LOT! It will be hard being away from him but I plan to keep very busy. Not to mention the fact that I fully intend to bribe (and seduce) him up north. He is intending to use this summer to put together the funds and the means of leaving the hip Olathe, KS (as well as the chaos of living with his dysfunctional family.) I like both of his parents. His brothers, on the other hand, need to learn how to treat other people in a more respectful and basically, decent manner (i.e. stop manipulating, using, and stealing from others.) Ishmael is so different from his family that his parents have a hard time understanding him and vice versa. As a result, the house is often filled with tension. It will be good for him to move away...if only it could be closer to me. (Sigh) On the other hand, as much as I am going to miss him, this summer of "singleness" will be good for me.

This summer I intend to do more of the following:
*take long walks
*read...Erica Jong, material on wines (for work), magazines, philosophy (articles, essays, novels, etc.), etc. , etc.
...I already went and got a new library card.
*listen to live music (which Grantsburg abounds with)
*write long letters (this endeavor relies upon the support and responses of *friends like you ;) , ok? I don't expect volumes, just responses...
*journal (maybe even finish my current one)
*become more adept at navigating my way around my computer (William installed Windows 95 for me!)
*write lots of e-mail
* spend more time with my mother, brother, and father
* explore Grantsburg

I have a fairly full summer ahead. Hopefully, I will hear from you soon!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

a tiny piece missing

when i was 20, i was kidnapped.

the rest of that story is deeply personal.

yet, if you look closely, it is tattooed upon my very being.
it lingers upon my very psyche.
it has changed my ability to trust... especially men.
it has made me more hesitant.

i walk with a dog at night.

i am a little more scared.
a little less willing to believe in the kindness of strangers.
a little more wary.

i frighten easily...

i am like a shattered piece of pottery.
glued back together piece by piece
but with one tiny piece missing.

i love people deeply and easily.
i am fiercely loyal
and cultivate friendships which have spanned long distances and many years.

every day brings me closer to filling in that tiny piece.
i am filling it with love
with trust
with prayers
with silly putty

by walking at night
by knitting
by becoming a real artist

i am letting go of fear... one breath at a time
but this is not easy.
then again, what's the alternative?

(footnote: the kidnapper is serving consecutive life sentences in a federal prison.)

Monday, January 09, 2006

blowing out candles & wishing

it's my birthday.


i am feeling sad
a sense of emptiness
a lingering hunger
feeling flustered
wanting to reach out and touch flesh

i ache to stand in front of chagall's windows at the art institute of chicago.
drink in the vivid blues
digest the flashes of yellow and red
imagine his hand upon the glass

i want to crawl inside someone's arms and forget myself.

i want to wad myself up and start over.

i am drinking coffee and wearing big baggy sweats.
sitting watching the day drift by like clouds across the sky.

"Love Ridden"

Love ridden,
I've looked at you
With the focus I gave to my birthday candles
I've wished on the lidded blue flames
Under your brow
And baby, I wished for you
Nobody sees when you are lying in your bed

And I wanna crawl in with you

But I cry instead
I want your warm,

So I can't tonight, baby
No, not "baby" anymore -
if I need you
I'll just use your simple name

Only kisses on the cheek from now on...

the passing of love
love unattainable
desiring a state of zen-like lack of desire

without knowing even your simple name,
i want to wrap you up tightly in my words,
make love to you with my entire being,
listen to your hopes & dreams,

be my muse,
be my fuel,
be my loveroot

teach me how to trust

be kind
be honest
be with me

this is my birthday wish

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Intimate and intense

last night, i dreamt of meeting nicole kidman... and we were friends.
i wonder how many other people dreamt of her last night.
does the person being dreamt about ever feel the touch of so many dreams upon their psyche?
do they wake up and wonder, 'who was that stranger who seemed to be a friend?'
or do they dream about their neighbors... who dream about nicole kidman?

i once dreamt of a handsome man who, in real life, i would pass by daily.
it was a lovely dream.
just provocative enough. lovely in its sensuality.
intimate and intense
like a modern painting by jackson pollock.

in the morning, i wanted to reach out and touch him as we passed.
instead, i averted my eyes and blushed furiously.
did he sense my new found lust?
did he feel the electricity of my dream?
had he, perhaps, dreamt of me?

i no longer see him daily.
i miss the possibility of that dream.

i haven't dreamt of him in quite a while
and miss those dreams.

i also regret never having had the courage to pursue that dream...
or to look him in the eye.

i hope that he dreamt of me
as i dreamt of him.
and if he did, did he wonder why there was a stranger sleeping in his bed?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

the morning after

last night, i went out drinking with 'The Gang'... at "The Place" on 'the day.'
most of the crew was there.
i sat and talked and drank ... with rose.
she bought me a drink.
i bought her a drink.

all in all, i had three drinks in three hours.

tanquerary and tonics.


that, dear friend, is enough to get me sloshed, soused... impaired.

last night, i drifted off asleep, alone, and blissfully, beautifully drunk.

now, i sit here feeling... hungover.
not severely.

just enough that the hairs on my head ache... a little.
my tummy is sloshing... a little.
my body aches... a little.

that's the story of... that's the glory of...


i'm going to go lie down.

maybe later i'll fall in love.
maybe later i'll paint your picture.
maybe later you'll love me too.

p.s. i don't know who i am writing this to...
i am just hopeful that romeo is out there... (note blog entry entitled: romeo.)
though i quite frankly don't think that he reads my blog. heh.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

resolutions: how to be a better person in 365...363...360 days

once again, i am facing another birth day anniversary.
the ending of another year of my life.
365 days washed away.

being born at the beginning of the calendar year has its benefits.

rather than making new year's resolutions. i make birthday resolutions.

this year, my birthday also falls on a monday
and we all know the universe was created on a cold winter monday morning! (heh)

1. walk the chicago marathon in '06

2. eliminate all credit card debt

3. exhibit, at least, four art shows

4. organize tax information

5. lose x number of pounds
i am not so much concerned with this number... which is printed in my calendar,
as i am the quest to be more fit, walk more stairs, eat more vegetables...
weight refects health.
health reflects happiness.

along with every woman i know, i resolve to wear a smaller size of jeans.
being numbers driven, there's a number involved.

in conjunction with this, i am returning to an old friend:

6. donate 6 p2's (a p2 donation is platelets/plasma) at the american red cross
next time, i'll have better timing...
and avoid the humiliation of passing out.

7. remember & acknowledge birthdays

8. visit canadian relatives

9. visit montana relatives

10. visit the pollock paintings at the univerity of iowa, iowa city

11. stop along the way to hear a homily given by a dear friend

12. visit chagall's stained glass windows & henry moore's sculpture at the art institute of chicago
get some soup & a roll at 'au bon pain'
visit river road, for the only place to satisfy a vienna dog craving
hug margaret
visit the wife and her hubby

13. visit minneapolis & go on an art tour
"the public radio band"

14. visit milwaukee museum of art

15. watch 72 films

16. read 12 books... or more

17. put aside a determined sum for next move

18. made a budget.... and obey it

19. put all loose photos in photo albums

20. approach, at least, 20 galleries with portfolio

21. floss daily

22. moisturize

23. post a blog every other day

24. take a daily vitamin

25. drink at least 64 oz of: green tea, herbal tea, or water each day

26. bring payments under control

27. send, at least, one card to each grandma every month

28. clean out boxes

29. set 100 books free!!!

30. pilates: tues, thurs, sat

31. yoga: mon, wed, fri

32. walk, run, or bike nature trail: sun (or at least once a week)

33. LAUGH more often

i found this entry in one of my many, scattered journals:

It's simple, you just take something and do something to it, and then do something else to it. Keep doing this, and pretty soon you've got something.
Jasper Johns

the myth of Sisyphus
Sunday, Jan. 04, 2004

As most of the world takes stock and makes resolutions, I mark another turn of my personal wheel of time.

There's a rhythm to my resolutions, a continuity, a familiarity.
Sometimes, though, my battles feel hopeless and I feel a bit like Camus's Sisyphus:
"The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor."

Yet, as Camus surmises,"His fate belongs to him." In true Existential form, Camus argues that because Sisyphus chose to defy the gods, he can accept his fate because it is one of his own making. I am making a conscious decision to be a certain kind of person (healthy, fit, and artistically active!) The path may not be smooth but it's my path. May God give me the courage and the stamina to walk it!

ah yes, this year sounds alike like last year, sounds alot like...
life is circular, eh?

Monday, January 02, 2006

525,600 minutes

i dreamt of kissing a boy.
(note: i enjoy calling all men boys.)
his lips were sweet.
his lips were soft.
it was like kissing a girl...
except for what followed.

still waiting for godot.

Rent Lyrics
Seasons Of Love Lyrics
COMPANY525,600 minutes,
525,000 moments so dear.
525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights,
in sunsets,
in midnights,
in cups of coffee.

In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?
How about love? How about love? How about love?
Measure in love.
Seasons of love.

1525,600 minutes!
525,000 journeys to plan.
525,600 minutes - how can you measure the life of a woman or man?

In truths that she learned,
or in times that he cried.
In bridges he burned,
or the way that she died.

It's time now to sing out,
tho the story never ends
let's celebrate remember a year in the life of friends.
Remember the love! Remember the love! Remember the love!
Measure in love.
Seasons of love!
Seasons of love.

this song keeps echoing around in my brain.


i dreamt of kissing a boy.
he's just like any other man, only more so.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


new year's day.


last night was wonderful.
spent time with friends from high school.
(a truly rare event... i've maintained almost no connection with people from my high school)
two new numbers added to my cell phone.

today, i am feeling rather let down.
maybe because monk sounded so... tired & irritated with me when i called.
(making myself ask, why did i call?)
i went to the cathedral.
he probably does not approve.
after all, i am neither fully roman nor anglican.
i tattled.
my closest catholic friend, hannah, is now agnostic.
i am not sure how to react.
it was disconcerting.
she's gotten very liberal and i am becoming more conservative.
she seemed a bit disconcerted too. i've always been her far out, hippy friend!
we're moving beyond our old roles and into new ones.

maybe because i am waiting for godot.
(and we all know that godot never arrives)
besides, i am not fond of waiting...

it makes me slightly irritable

maybe because i am feeling unsure about this new year.

i am feeling a little unsettled...
no words of wisdom to be found
no great revelations
no attempt to dive below the surface

yet, here i am.

scrawling my thoughts upon your monitor's screen
asking you to read my thoughts
playing with words and trying to build a life with them

"In silence

we face and admit

that gap

between the depths of our being,

which we consistently ignore,

and the surface

which is so often untrue

to our own reality." Thomas Merton

maybe i just need more than a few scant hours of sleep

tonight, i will wash away the stresses of today, annoint myself with Lovely lotion, and paint into the wee hours... or til inspiration fades away

then, i will curl up with "eyeless in gaza," warm up my bed, and dream about chagall's windows.

Going Nowhere

Which John Cusack Are You?